With the support of Al-Nisr Al-Arabi Insurance and the participation of their staff we made a visit to another library, this time in Dhaher Al Saru, Jerash at the Jordanian Society for Human Development. The Yalla Niqra / ‘Let’s Read’ library had been set up there since 2016 and received additional books last year.

We again arranged to demonstrate to the children some of the simple science experiments from books available in the library. This got the children interested not only in trying out more experiments from those science books, but also in learning from books on other topics. Encouraging learning and reading in fun ways is always a priority in STEPS’ children’s activities.

The visit also included playtime with jigsaw puzzles, tiddlywinks, sack race and ball games. Snacks and gifts were distributed to all.

Sponsored by: Al Nisr Al Arabi Insurance

Society in Jerash: الجمعية الاردنية للتنمية البشرية

Categories: FunDayReading